Unlock Potential Through Powerful Breathing

Unlocking your full potential is a full body experience. Breaking things down to basics, you should focus on every little thing, like breathing.

These are the best breathing techniques for unlocking your full potential.

1. The Common Yoga Breathing Technique

If you do yoga on the regular, you likely already know this technique as its most commonly used throughout different styles of yoga. It’s often used to calm your breathing, so you can relish the benefits of fresh oxygen. To do this breathing technique, follow these steps:

  1. Take a slow, deep breath in
  2. Pause
  3. Slowly let your breath out
  4. Pause

2. Equal Breathing

A breathing technique that’s certain to help calm the mind, body and soul is called equal breathing. It’s perfect for reducing stress, calming your nerves and increasing focus, and can be done anywhere and at any time. Here are the steps for this breathing technique:

  1. Take a slow inhale through your nose for a count of four
  2. Slowly exhale through your nose for a count of four

3. Count for Four

A common breathing technique for meditation is to simply count to four, then count backward from four, all timed with your breath. You can also use different numbers, depending on your preferences but as you’ll see in this post, a count of four seems to be the common denominator. Here are the steps:

  1. Breath in – count one
  2. Breath out – count two
  3. Breath in – count three
  4. Breath out – count forth
  5. Breath in – count three
  6. Breath out – count two
  7. Breath in – count one
  8. Breath out – count two
  9. Repeat

4. Abdominal Breathing

Abdominal breathing is one of the easiest breathing techniques, so it’s commonly recommended for beginners starting to meditate. However, it works for everyone and can be used in and outside of meditation, as it’s a powerful way to reduce stress at any given time. It also only takes a couple of minutes to do, making it perfect for any type of situation where you need to recollect yourself. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place one hand on your chest
  2. Place the other hand on your stomach
  3. Take a deep breath in through the nose
  4. Feel your hand on your stomach move as you inflate your diaphragm with air
  5. Slowly release your breath

 5. The Stimulating Breath

The Stimulating Breath is also called the Bellows Breath and it’s great for increasing alertness and energy. It can take some practice to perfect but once you do, you’ll feel invigorated and will become completely addicted to the way it makes you feel. Here are the steps:

  1. Quickly inhale and exhale through your nose, as short as possible, ensuring the duration is equal for both
  2. Aim to get three inhales and exhales per second
  3. Continue for five seconds
  4. Slowly increase your time throughout your practice until you reach one full minute

6. Alternate Nostril Breathing

Another common breathing technique used during meditation and yoga is the alternate nostril breathing – and yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Doing this technique allows you reenergize your mind, body and spirit. Here are the steps:

  1. Plug your right nostril with your right thumb
  2. Take a deep breath through the left nostril
  3. Remove your thumb from your right nostril and plug your left nostril with your ring finger
  4. Slowly exhale
  5. Repeat

7. The 4-7-8 Count

The 4-7-8 count, also known as the relaxing breath technique, is one of the easiest to do and as a bonus, the benefits are exponential. This exercise can quickly calm the nervous system, so much so that it can feel like your nerves have been tranquilized. So, it’s amazing for anyone looking to calm their mind or who suffers from anxiety or sleep insomnia. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Rest the tip of your tongue at the top back of your teeth
  2. Let out a deep exhale, along with a big sigh or whooshing sound
  3. Close your mouth and slowly inhale through your nose for a count of four
  4. Hold your breath for a count of seven
  5. Exhale deeply and completely for a count of eight, being sure to let out a big sigh or whooshing sound
  6. Repeat

8. Skull Shining Breath

This breathing technique is a great way to shake off negative energy and warm up your mind, body and spirit. It can be used in the morning, prior to an exam, before your next yoga class or during meditation. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Take a long, slow breath in
  2. Quickly let out a powerful exhale from your diaphragm out
  3. Repeat
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