Journaling Your Way to Success

Have you ever heard the saying, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Well, it’s completely wrong. The truth is, words are the most powerful weapon people have.

On the flipside though, words are also the most powerful tool people have. Words can form dreams, set goals, and inspire others. Your potential is abstract, but there are ways to unravel it. Reach your potential by starting with the small step of journaling.

You’ll learn about all of this and more if you keep on listening. This is how to attract your desires through journaling

Journal Daily:

To attract your desires through journaling, you should do it daily. Daily journaling has been shown to increase productivity. By writing down your goals, you make them feel more real. That’s why you should make journaling a consistent habit.

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude:

Each morning, practice this awesome tool of gratitude. Early in the morning (before you check email, turn on the TV, open Instagram, etc.), open your journal. Write three to five pages about what you appreciate most.

Gratitude can  include people, things, situations, encounters and so on, on any topic. They can be subtle, major, serious or fun! If you can’t fill three to five pages at first, aim to fill one page.

Don’t Strive for Perfection:

Release perfection and focus on consistency. The more you journal, the easier it will become. Let journaling be an inspiration instead of a chore. Rather than writing to be the best writer, write because it’s fun, write because you want to, write for whatever reason motivates you.

Perfection doesn’t exist, and really, it’s better that way. You’re not perfect, so don’t expect yourself to write the perfect journal!

Write in the Present Tense:

On a regular basis, write about your ideal life as if that was how you were already living. Instead of writing about how much you want to live in New York, write about moving there, or what your daily life looks like after moving.

Allow yourself to feel your desires as attainable. Your desires are within your grasp, and writing as if you already had them will make them feel that much more achievable.

Stay Focused:

Focus is powerful. By being very specific about what you desire, you’ll be able to write in specifics. By writing in specifics, you will be able to write in more detail, and will discover more about yourself and your desires.

With such strong words, you will feel intrinsic motivation. This means that your action will be more powerful since it is coming directly from you.

So, get out your journal and write about your desires in the most specific terms possible. There’s no such thing as being too specific when it comes to getting what you want.


When you’re writing, try to focus on what you want to experience rather than the accomplishment or material thing itself.

Let’s say, for example, you desire a Lamborghini, visualize how you will feel in the car, how it will feel to drive it across the interstate. Picturing those things and writing about them will be much more motivating than just picturing how it will look in your garage.

That one was kind of silly, let’s try something more realistic. Let’s say you have a dream career. That dream career is so much more than a label on your desk or a line in your resume. Picture how much you will love what you do, and the purpose you will feel.

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