5 Ways to Spot a Fixed Mindset (and Change It)

In this post, I’ll be discussing 5 signs of a fixed mindset, as well as what you can do to fix your fixed mindset. Unfortunately, a lot of people do end up developing a fixed mindset, but that’s okay! Let’s talk a bit more about what the term “fixed mindset” means before we get into the meat and potatoes of fixing a fixed mindset.

What is a Fixed Mindset?

According to the fixed mindset principle, success in life is attributed solely to sufficient intelligence. Those with a fixed mindset tend to view things in a straightforward manner, devoid of shades of gray. In a fixed mindset, the general belief is that aspects like creativity, character, and intelligence exist as they are, and are not susceptible to change.

Five (5) Signs You Have a Fixed Mindset

Keeping this in mind, let’s take a look at some signs that you may have a fixed mindset. If you feel like you do have a fixed mindset, don’t worry. This is surprisingly common — and fixable.

1.    You Give Up When Things Get Hard

People with a fixed mindset often give up quickly when they come across challenges. Instead of dealing with obstacles, they choose to avoid them. Any challenges that take them out of their comfort zone seem like threats, and avoiding them is the easier option. There’s not much eagerness for growth, and giving up feels like a safer way out.

2.    You Have a Desire to Look Smart

People with a fixed mindset are often eager to look smart without genuinely being smart. This mindset values the perception of intelligence over actual intellectual growth. It’s not only about others’ perceptions; looking smart allows those with a fixed mindset to avoid putting in any extra effort. If they appear smart, it satisfies them, and they don’t feel the need to step outside of their comfort zones or test their abilities.

3.    You Don’t Take Constructive Criticism Well

It’s normal to feel a bit defensive when you’re faced with criticism. Those with a fixed mindset, however, tend to brush off constructive criticism entirely. To put it into perspective, people with a growth mindset will know how to embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for personal growth.

4.    You Believe That You Should Be Put on a Pedestal

Have you ever wondered how having a fixed mindset plays out in a relationship? Well, since the person with a fixed mindset thinks nothing needs to be changed or altered, they will usually expect their partner to put them on a pedestal. In contrast, those who have a growth mindset will want their partner to challenge them and encourage them to be a better person. They’re able to recognize that it’s okay to be a work in progress.

5.    You Feel Threatened When Others Succeed

It’s normal to feel this way sometimes, but if you constantly feel threatened by the success of other people, it may be a sign that you have a fixed mindset. You may believe that others who have found success have simply been handed that success, and for that reason, you’ll never find success because life just isn’t fair. Needless to say, this is a limiting belief!

Fixing Your Fixed Mindset

Thankfully, there are a lot of strategies you can use to fix your fixed mindset. To switch from a fixed to a growth mindset, you must be able to see challenges as chances to learn. You should also embrace feedback so that you can truly improve upon yourself, and focus on effort — not just your abilities — to build up resilience. Avoid comparing yourself to others, and be patient! Over time, you’ll very likely see results.

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